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Dosbarth Melyn

Blwyddyn 1/2

Year 1/2


Mrs Orton

Mrs Hounsom

Mrs Fisher

Miss Jones

Mrs Bevan


                        Helpful reminders


  • Children can bring a healthy snack to school every day to eat during morning break. Please can all fruit be labelled or in a labelled bag or box.
  • Children need to have their reading packs in school everyday.
  • P.E is on a Wednesday. Children are asked to wear their kit into school and please remove any earrings on this day. 
  • We visit the school library on a Wednesday. Please return your library book to school on this day. 

Summer Term






Our main topic for the summer term is Wriggle and Crawl. Your child will develop their knowledge of living things and their habitats. We will identify, observe and investigate minibeasts and their habitats and understand different life cycles. We will be reading and making our own non-fiction books to provide information about different minibeasts. 

We have been investigating the habitats of minibeasts.

Spring term


This term our topic is Towers, Tunnels and Turrets. We will be starting the topic by learning all about castles, finding out about the different parts of a castle, making our own and creating drawings of castles. We will be meeting the fictional character Repunzel who lives in a tall tower, looking at newspaper articles reporting on the Repunzel story and interviewing characters from the story. We will be looking at a variety of design structures and learning to design and build model bridges and buildings.




We will also have a mini topic learning about the story of St David. In this project the children will explore who St David was, why we remember him, customs and traditions associated with St David Day and aspects of Welsh culture and identity.


World Book Day!

We have been making Mr Urdd at home and at school.

We have taken part in a Sports RCT charity exercise class to raise money for Velindre!

We have been asking questions about St David in small groups. We will discover information about him and find the answers to our questions over the next few weeks!

We enjoyed a visit from the firefighters. We have learned what to do in a fire and have looked at the firefighters clothing and tools.

We enjoyed a visit from The Guild Trio to listen to live music.


Still image for this video

We have been busy building St David’s Cathedral and painting our special place with watercolours.

Look at our wonderful Christmas concert costumes!

Christmas fitness

Songs to help you learn
  • Gyda'n gilydd - I gyrraedd y brig
  • Living, learning and growing together to be the best